How Many Meals Should You Eat Per Day For Weight Loss?

Find out the sweet spot we recommend for the ideal meal frequency

author iconBy Posted May 1, 2016


For years people have spouted the myth that the more meals you eat a day the faster your metabolism will “burn”.

This is false. It’s not only false, it’s harmful. If you’re constantly thinking about food all day long, trying to squeeze as many little meals in as often as you can, you’re going to go insane pretty quickly.

The amount of meals you have in a day does not affect fat loss. It’s the total amount of calories you consume that does.

We usually advise 3-5 meals a day as a nice sweet spot. If you prefer to eat little and often to keep you full and satiated, that’s cool, just make sure you’re snacking on healthy, lower calorie foods such as nuts, seeds, berries and Greek yogurt.

Avoid snacking on high calorie packaged goods. That shit adds up fast.

Take away’s.

1.Your meal frequency should be determined for the most part by your hunger levels, schedule, and preferences.
2.The amount of meals you eat in a day does not affect fat loss. It’s the total amount of calories you consume.

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